I was browsing the internet the other day looking for photos to share on my Pinterest, when I came upon these amazing photos by photographer Heidi Lender.
The bio pulled from her site states “Heidi Lender once reported on the fashion universe for national magazines, writing features and styling photo shoots. With a BA in apparel and textiles from Cornell University, she covered style, design, food and travel from New York to Paris. A soulful search led her to India, where she lived part-time studying yoga, and subsequently taught in San Francisco in her own studio. In 2009, she finally found herself – behind the lens of her first digital SLR, and retired her pen and yoga professorship in favor of making pictures. She currently splits her time between Northern California and Garzon, Uruguay.”
But what I really loved about the photos and what caught my eye was how similar these turn out to what a blogger would consider outfit photos. Personally, if you look back at my archives (don’t ask me why) but I always only took photos from the neck down! So it is interesting to see someone turn it into a photographic series. They are beautiful.
How cute are those doggies?! This inspires me to want to take more outfit photos and to be very creative with the process!