I got back from the Cindy Sherman photo exhibit at the San Francisco MOMA a few hours ago, and I can’t get the whole thing out of my head.
I got to see this very short film she made called Doll Clothes, and found it very interesting (ps. there is no audio)
But the week before, I had seen Catie’s post about being inspired by Cindy Sherman and her own photo escapades that resulted. It made me realize that the line Cindy Sherman has drawn between artist and that of a fashion/style blogger can be very thin (not implying that I’m an artist).
Sherman creates her sets, finds her wardrobe, does her own hair and makeup, on top of it all, her own photographer. When my boyfriend isn’t helping me with my photos, I’m doing the exact same thing and I know many bloggers that do the same. I use each outfit post as an opportunity to explain a story of where I went or why I chose to wear what I had on at that day or time. It’s all harder than it looks because it is time consuming (plus I work and go to school). But once you see the final results of the photos and when the post comes together, it becomes very rewarding and worth it. When I’m starting to feel exhausted by the tribulations of blogging, I’m going to remind myself of this post.
You can read a little more about Cindy at her own website, or just browsing the internet to see lots of her amazing photographs and the hundreds of Cindy’s she’s turned herself into. Have you seen her exhibit already (it ran in NYC before coming to San Francisco) or viewed her photographs somewhere else, I would love to know what you think about her but also about photographing yourself.